Get Started

Interested in building your own coalition? We compiled all of our resources to help other communities across the country start their own coalitions for mental wellness. Access all of our resources, notes, templates, and program details to start planning your own mentally healthy community!

Information for other departments:

1. Reach Out to Colleagues

When starting your coalition, we find the best approach is a collaborative approach. Reach out to colleagues and start gathering the leadership team to put the pieces together for your own coalition.

2. Set Meetings

It can be difficult to get the right people in the right place at the same time with everyone’s busy schedules. Start by setting a meeting and offering times for everyone to come together. When everyone is in the same room together, a lot more can be accomplished.

3. Audit of Current Situation

To track future success, you need to know where you started. Auditing the current situation will show you the biggest need for your community and will help you identify where to start and which initiatives are most important for your community.

4. Set Goals

Once you know your current situation, set goals for your initiative and what program success looks like for your community. Feel free to fine-tune these as you move forward with programs and training.

5. Use Resources

Utilize resources to help make the most of your coalition. We have provided a framework for what worked for our community. Take these resources and apply them to your own initiatives and programs.

6. Report on What Happened

Reflect on the successes or room for improvement of your initiative. Collect this data and use it to guide future initiatives.

Need help getting started?
Looking for mental wellness resources for you or someone you know? Find Them Here